  • zsofi_raffazsofi_raffa
  • Date:  July 15, 2024
  • Content Strategy

Content is King, But Reach is Everything – Case study

They say content is king, but in today’s digital landscape, you need to be the queen of distribution to truly reign supreme. Creating a “masterpiece” of content is just the first step. Setting it to the website and hoping for the best with a single social media post simply won’t resonate at all.

In this blog, I’ll showcase how I leveraged a single interview and scaled it across various channels such as my personal social media channels, achieving impressive results.

Here are some insights:

  • LinkedIn: 351 article views, 730 unique post views, scheduled to 10 AI groups, video press release with 1125 impressions, 556 unique views, 34 engagements, 13 comments.
  • Lead Generation: 15 new LinkedIn contacts with marketing technology background, 3% growth in my LinkedIn email newsletter subscribers, 50 connection requests sparked by the content.
  • Collaborations: 1 partnership request from a PR agency.
  • Engagement: 16 likes on Facebook, posted in 3 Hungarian groups.

The “Work Smart, but zSofisticated” Approach

I’m a big believer in working strategically, not just hard. Here’s how I achieved these results:

1. Repurposing existing content:

While brainstorming new content ideas, I looked back at my existing LinkedIn Articles. A year-old blog “Human touch vs AI,” got great feedback and the topic is still relevant. To refresh it, I decided to add an expert’s perspective.

2. Collaborative Content Creation: A Win-Win

I reached out to Adam Villasi, a long-time acquaintance in the creative agency world, for his insights. Our 3-hour call provided valuable knowledge about website creation and crafting meaningful creative content. Throughout the conversation, I kept in mind the target audience for each platform where I planned to publish.

3. Tailoring for Different Platforms:

Here’s a breakdown of where I published the content and who I envisioned as the audience:

⚜️Social Media:

⚜️ LinkedIn: my audience: international professionals, industry experts, marketing specialists, and strategists (not software developers). Content language: English My LinkedIn newsletter: #zSofisticated audience Targeted LinkedIn groups

⚜️ Facebook: Primarily my Hungarian network (family, friends, university colleagues) with little to no knowledge of complex marketing strategies. Content language: Hungarian Personal profile Relevant Facebook groups

⚜️ Newspaper:

⚜️ Print: Everyday people, so the content needed to be clear and leverage the buzz around AI. Content language: Hungarian

⚜️ Website: similar to print, (used the URL to spread the word on Facebook) Content language: Hungarian

4. Generating a Masterpiece: Adapting and Amplifying

My strategy involved creating a “master content piece” that could be adapted for various platforms. I drafted the first version for the newspaper because I had here the most requirements and it was the longest, with a minimum of 7,000 characters. My editor, Orsolya Jancso, provided valuable feedback, allowing me to tailor the website version with SEO optimization in mind. Print, however, offered more flexibility for catchy headlines.

The Power of Community and Storytelling

The online version is always launched first. I shared the URL with friends on Facebook, posted it in relevant groups, and added it to my Facebook story with a clear call to action. Friends and family engagement is an emotional booster, and it let me know my content resonated with them. My biggest critic is my high-school economy teacher. We still have a great connection and I always adore her opinion with such content.

When the print edition arrived, I rushed to the store at 7 am to see my article in person. It was a special moment captured by my dad – a reminder that authenticity resonates. I shared this experience on LinkedIn, receiving a wave of positive feedback. Thank you so much, it gives me even more power to continue 😉

From Hungarian to English: Reaching a Wider Audience

With the Hungarian version out, I focused on the English translation and localization. More details, strategic insights, and tool recommendations were added. DeepL translated the bulk of the content surprisingly well, but I always review and update the content with my signature zSofisticated style.

LinkedIn Distribution Engine: Newsletter and Groups

The translated content became the foundation of my LinkedIn newsletter. This fantastic tool allows you to email content directly to subscribers, generate notifications on the website and in the mail, and create posts – a powerful combination for social media scaling.

For digital content, I always prioritize hyperlinks, SEO optimization, and especially at the end, I add clear CTAs like subscribing to the newsletter, reading more content, or attending upcoming events. Including an “About the Author” bio is crucial, as it allows users in LinkedIn groups to learn more about you.

While scheduling the interview with Adam took some extra time due to their busy schedule, the entire content repurposing process was two weeks. The real magic happened after the content was created – tailoring it for each platform and audience. Checking engagement and insights is like cherry on top – it’s the real fun part of the process!

Key Takeaways to be the Queen of content distribution:

Share your journey: Authentic moments connect with your network and showcase your skills.

Check and understand the data: Analytics tell you what resonates with your audience.

Repurpose, and distribute with confidence: Don’t be afraid to share the same content across different social media groups, but tailor it for each platform.

Print and digital, scale your reach: Leveraging both mediums to expand your reach.

Know your audience: Update your content and approach to resonate with the specific audience on each channel.

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